A Focus on our thematic areas at RDISC Foundation

Rdisc is a multi-agency non-governmental organisation which offers a range of services to less privileged children and families in local communities mainly the South-South and South-East regions in Nigeria. We explore means and channels to stop further oppressions, subjugations and social marginalisation which leads to low self-esteem and false identity in the lives of young people.

We are s charitable company limited by guarantee and governed by a board of trustees. The board meets regularly to discuss the charity’s strategic direction. We raise funds through donations from individuals, organisations and companies and aim to work with other organisations, schools, hospitals and local authorities.

Six Portfolios that would support the smooth running of R-disc includes:
1) Cooperate Management
2) Finance/Administration
3) Grant/Operations
4) Monitoring & Evaluation
5) Service Delivery
6) System Strengthening & Organisational Capacity Development

These six portfolios would support the dispensing of our objectives through a seven point agenda
which includes:
1, Healthcare
2, Education
3, Nutrition
4, Shelter
5, Protection
6, Psycho-socio support
7, Economic strengthening and empowerment


Health and good nutrition have become virtually unreachable to a lot of families living in the local communities that we plan to work with primarily due to cost and unavailability of the quality healthcare system.

Due to poverty and lack of good health information, some families are unable to go for even basic healthcare and thus the life expectancy of such the people involved is shortened. This has informed our vision, passion and objectives to carry out medical and nutritional aid relief programmes to support, educate, sensitize and make available basic healthcare to children and adolescents who are the next generation that will build the future.

We need to bequeath a healthy child today for a healthy adult to build a great society for generations unborn.

We will achieve this by partnering with health care providers and the local government to provide workshops, seminars, development trainings, individual counselling and education sessions disseminating informative materials on health and nutritional tips – educating them on simple health
and nutrition orientation and teaching them to be healthy, responsible for themselves, their environment and for their future.

We would also provide aid for the treatment of minor illnesses, provision of insecticide-treated bed nets, water treatment and HIV care and support.

The objective is to prevent, diagnose and treat common childhood illnesses such as malaria, typhoid diseases, parasitic infestations, diarrheal diseases among others which have become a very common cause of death in the region as well as provide them with good nutritional aid and orientation.


Rdisc will be working with local communities that are at risk due to malnutrition. In these communities, the lives of people especially young children are at risk especially as a result of malnutrition. Millions more live with lifetime effects – physical disabilities and learning difficulties.

The first thousand days are the most critical in a child’s life. Without enough of the nutrients they need, their bodies and brains don’t develop the way they should. 

By treating malnutrition in the first 1,000 days of a child’s life as well as helping mothers and communities keep their children healthy and well-nourished. R-disc can help cut the number of children badly affected by malnutrition.

Malnutrition is an unbearable burden not only on the health systems but the entire socio-cultural and the economic status of the society although there is a lack of cultural and social recognition of this hidden malaise.
It contributes to significant morbidity and mortality among preschool children.

Deficiencies in iron, iodine, vitamin A and zinc are the most common form of malnutrition in southeastern Nigeria. In
these communities, a high prevalence of poor diet and infectious disease regularly unite into a vicious cycle.

Different activities will be carried out for different age groups from 0-5, 6-10, 11-14, 15-18. These activities will include:

  1. Food preparation demonstration-This is essential to show the people in these communities how to prepare food hygienically without losing the nutrition in the food.
  2. Nutrition education and counselling – There will also be seminars to educate women about breastfeeding, bread milk substitute, the nutritional value of foods (especially local food produce) and the importance of a healthy diet. Most of these activities will be done in partnership with USAID.
  3. There will also be workshops to show household how to properly store and secure our food.

Psycho-Socio Support

A lot of children in local communities have experienced violence first hand and have been victims of violence. Children are experiencing unspeakable violence. Millions are in danger.

On city streets, in communities, schools and homes, children are attacked, abused, exploited and killed. Research has shown that children who are victims of violence have brain activity similar to soldiers exposed to combat also, A third of children who are victims of violence are likely to develop long-lasting symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Rdisc aims to protect children by setting up services to help them and their families, working with governments to make sure national child protection systems are effective, and with communities to change attitudes towards violence so it’s considered unacceptable.

We also aim to work with organisations both nationally and internationally that would provide counselling and aftercare support to people who have experienced or have been victims of violence.

In addition to psycho socio support, we will also be providing emotional support in the form of counselling for teenagers.

We will also provide various life skills training, career counselling, vocational classes and leadership training for the young people in the community. This would give them an advantage among their peers, and set them apart. It will also empower them and encourage them to use other opportunities that will be available for their success.

Economic strengthening and empowerment

We would work closely with households to provide financial education, provide loans, help develop business plans and re-orientate family members on how to manage finances.

We would also connect people with platforms such as micro-finance banks that would help them with their finances.

We would connect them with platforms that provide micro-credit support, employment opportunities and business grant.

We would also organize seminars and workshop which would include: vocational/apprenticeship training, financial planning activities that would get family members involved in thinking about how they spend and manage money.

Working with families on the issue of finance would tackle key issues like unemployment and poverty.

Shelter and Care

Conflict in local communities has increased the level of homelessness in the communities. Overpopulation has also lead to poor living conditions and really bad hygiene.

Rdisc will be working with local communities and other organization to improve the living conditions of people living in the south-east and south-south. This would involve providing temporary homes and hostels for people in need of rehabilitation as well as providing clothing items and grant for home repairs.


In addition to shelter, legal protection will be provided to people who are in danger. This includes making paperwork and providing legal services to people who would otherwise have been able to afford it.


R-disc will establish schools in the geographical zones that it works in other to equip young children. This includes: kindergarten, nursery, primary and secondary schools (high school).

They will run in tandem with the healthcare centres with close proximity to each other. We would do assessments of candidates covering some factors to determine whether it will be free or not.

Economic and working status of the parents or guardians will be the determining factors that would determine whether or not this service will be provided for free to the ward. In this way, funds gotten from parents who can afford the education will be used to fund those who cannot, our other activities, as well as fund the cost of managing the school.

In addition to setting up schools, we would also be providing school materials for young children already enrolled in school as well as extra-curricular activities that young children can get involved in.

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